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Correlation between TCF7L2 gene expression and certain biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Authors: Alaa H. Younus,Abdul Hussein M. Al-Faisal
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Publish date: 2024-6
ISSN: 1658-3612 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2024.04.005
View on Publisher's Website

I read this article with interest and I believe it presents some nice findings on the correlation between TCF7L2 gene expression and biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes, but several points require clarification. First, the statistical methods used, particularly for post-hoc analyses, are not fully explained. The authors should provide more detail on how Duncan’s multiple range test was applied and how multiple comparisons were handled. Additionally, while significant differences in TCF7L2 expression are reported, confidence intervals for the fold changes would help clarify the statistical significance and variability of these results.

The correlation analysis should be discussed in more depth, particularly regarding the lack of significant correlations between TCF7L2 expression and biochemical markers like HbA1c and BMI. It would also be helpful to include a clearer explanation of the results in the figure legends, especially for Figure 1 on age distribution and Figures 2–4 on gene expression, specifying the statistical tests used.

I would like to invite the authors to join this discussion to address these points and improve clarity.

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