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Understanding the potential applications of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Sector

Authors: Mohd Javaid,Abid Haleem,Ibrahim Haleem Khan,Rajiv Suman
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Publish date: 2023-3
ISSN: 2773-2371 DOI: 10.1016/j.aac.2022.10.001
View on Publisher's Website

The paper provides an insightful review of AI applications in agriculture, showcasing its potential to revolutionize crop management, pest control, and resource optimization. While the discussion highlights AI’s transformative capabilities, it would be valuable to explore its feasibility for small-scale farmers in resource-limited regions. Could the authors provide insights into how AI can be tailored for such contexts? As AI-based predictions are increasingly used to address weather and crop conditions, further elaboration on their reliability under extreme or unpredictable environmental scenarios would enhance the discussion.

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