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Time and the sequential integration of management controls in open innovation between Unilever and its partners: A procedural perspective

Authors: Thomas Toldbod,Linda Nhu Laursen
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Publish date: 2024-12
ISSN: 1044-5005 DOI: 10.1016/j.mar.2024.100901
View on Publisher's Website

This study gives great insights into how management controls shape open innovation, but a couple of things could use more clarification. First, when shifting between control modes, how were the timing and transitions decided? Were they based on set milestones, performance reviews, or just evolving project needs? Also, the paper touches on strategic and operational fit in the FOODS project, but did any conflicts come up between Unilever and its partners over management control? If so, how were they handled?

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