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Predictive relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and psychological distress in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic

Authors: Jennifer McMahon,Katherine Dowling,Elaine Gallagher,Alanna Donnellan,Sharon Houghton,Megan Ryan,Cliodhnad O’Connor,Eibhlín Walsh
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
Publish date: 2024-9-19
ISSN: 1664-1078 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1095892
View on Publisher's Website

I recently read your paper and found it to be a valuable contribution to the understanding of adolescent mental health during the pandemic. Your study provides important insights into the factors influencing psychological distress among adolescents, particularly the role of COVID-19 anxiety.

I would like to offer some constructive feedback that I believe could enhance the discussion and implications of your work. Firstly, regarding the technical aspects of your analysis, I noticed that multicollinearity was not explicitly addressed in your hierarchical multiple regression model. Given the potential for multicollinearity among predictor variables, I wonder if you considered assessing this in your analysis. Additionally, in your moderation analysis using the PROCESS macro, reporting confidence intervals for the interaction effects would provide a more comprehensive understanding of their significance and magnitude.

Turning to the critical aspects of your study, I appreciate the thoroughness of your research, but I also acknowledge the limitations posed by the predominantly White Irish sample and the cross-sectional design. These factors indeed limit the generalizability of your findings and prevent the establishment of causality. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on how these limitations might influence the interpretation of your results and what steps could be taken in future research to address them.

Lastly, I found some aspects of your methodology, such as the measures used for parent-child closeness and the handling of missing data, to be particularly intriguing. I would appreciate any additional clarification or insights you could provide on these points.

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4 weeks, 1 day ago

One area I would appreciate clarification on is the internal consistency of the Consequence Anxiety subscale (Cronbach’s α = 0.66). While it is noted as acceptable, could you elaborate on how this might have impacted the reliability of your findings and whether any steps were taken to address this?

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