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Physical effects from the powerful Tonga volcanic eruption of January 15, 2022, in the earth–atmosphere–ionosphere–magnetosphere system

Authors: L.F. Chernogor
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Publish date: 2023-12
ISSN: 1364-6826 DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2023.106157
View on Publisher's Website

The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the Tonga volcanic eruption, but there are key discrepancies that need clarification. The energy estimates for the eruption’s blast wave vary widely between studies, ranging from 9 to 37 Mt of TNT, but the author does not sufficiently justify their own selected estimate. A clearer explanation of how they arrived at their values and a discussion of the discrepancies in the literature are needed. Additionally, the energy calculations (thermal, kinetic, and gravitational) rely on assumptions that are not fully explained, particularly regarding the parameters used for thermal energy, which should be more transparent to enhance the reliability of the results.

The magnetic and electric effects are discussed with significant assumptions that need clarification. For instance, the author estimates substantial magnetic field perturbations but base these on approximations like volcanic jet speed and its effect on the magnetic field, which are not sufficiently explained. In Tables 1 and 7, the key estimates presented are not adequately explained, and further details on how these values were derived and their uncertainty are needed. The author`s kind explanations would help clarify these points and provide more transparency in the calculations and assumptions, improving the article’s scientific rigor.

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