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Integrating community knowledge into nature-based solutions for the sustainability of water ecosystem services: insight from local communities in Ecuador

Authors: Kalina Fonseca,Edgar Fabian Espitia-Sarmiento,Mercy Ilbay-Yupa,Lutz Breuer
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
Publish date: 2024-11-29
ISSN: 2673-4524 DOI: 10.3389/frsus.2024.1491776
View on Publisher's Website

The study effectively employs bibliometric analysis to highlight the relevance of artificial floating islands and passive river restoration. However, could the authors elaborate on the criteria or validation techniques used to ensure the accuracy of cluster relationships in the network maps? Were cross-validation steps or expert reviews conducted to confirm that the identified clusters align with empirical realities in the studied communities?

Furthermore, the integration of AFIs and PRR is innovative, but have the authors considered the long-term ecological impacts of macrophyte harvesting or potential risks associated with invasive species in these systems? Addressing these aspects could further strengthen the practical applicability of the proposed framework.

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