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Gene regulation by convergent promoters

Authors: Elina Wiechens,Flavia Vigliotti,Kanstantsin Siniuk,Robert Schwarz,Katjana Schwab,Konstantin Riege,Alena van Bömmel,Ivonne Görlich,Martin Bens,Arne Sahm,Marco Groth,Morgan A. Sammons,Alexander Loewer,Steve Hoffmann,Martin Fischer
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Publish date: 2025-1
ISSN: 1061-4036,1546-1718 DOI: 10.1038/s41588-024-02025-w
View on Publisher's Website

The study presents compelling evidence for convergent promoters as co-regulatory elements rather than transcriptional interference sites. However, clarification is needed on whether the observed correlations (e.g., Spearman coefficients) imply causation, particularly in the absence of mechanistic validation. Were alternative methods, such as CRISPR-based perturbations or polymerase stalling assays, used to confirm these findings? Considering previous reports on transcription interference, how do the authors reconcile their findings with models suggesting polymerase collision effects?

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