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Chondrites as thermal and mechanical archives of accretion processes in the Solar protoplanetary disk

Authors: Anthony Seret,Guy Libourel
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Publish date: 2025-1
ISSN: 0012-821X DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.119066
View on Publisher's Website

This study offers a fascinating perspective on the mechanical and thermal behaviors of chondrules during accretion. One thought that came to mind concerns the influence of compositional variability. For instance, could differences in mesostasis content or mineral phases among chondrules significantly affect their cracking or deformation behavior? 

I also wondered about the simulations; were steps like mesh convergence testing performed to confirm the reliability of stress and strain predictions, especially at critical interfaces like the mesostasis-forsterite boundary? It would be interesting to understand how the modeling parameters were optimized to reflect natural processes.

The use of synthetic chondrules is a strong starting point for validation, but have the authors considered using natural chondrules in future experiments to capture more realistic compositional and structural diversity? It feels like this could add an extra layer of depth to the findings.

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