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ScienceGuardians™ Team Publication Analyzer
Empowering fair evaluation of collaborative research output

This tool is designed to provide a realistic and scientifically-grounded estimate of the acceptable publication output for research team leads based on the contributions of their team members.

By considering typical performance indicators for various roles—including postdoctoral researchers, research associates, PhD and MSc students—this tool offers a clear framework for understanding and evaluating the collective publication efforts of a research team.

This tool is designed to promote transparency and fairness in evaluating research productivity, considering the team’s dynamics and collective efforts.

  1. Input the number of team members in each category (e.g., postdocs, PhD students, etc.) into the designated fields.
  2. Enter the “Actual Annual Publications” field to input the number of papers the team members have published per year.
  3. Click on “Analyze,” and the tool will calculate an estimated range of annual publications based on the standard performance indicators for each role.
  4. Compare “Actual Annual Publications” with “estimated output” to evaluate the team lead's research productivity and team contributions.
Team Publication Analyzer
Result Placeholder
Once you click "Analyze," the outcome will appear here.
Credit & Acknowledgment

If you use or refer to the ScienceGuardians™ Team Publication Analyzer in any professional or institutional context, please acknowledge its use by crediting ScienceGuardians. For example:

“This analysis was conducted using the ScienceGuardians™ Team Publication Analyzer, developed by ScienceGuardians to assess research team productivity.”