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Toxicological landscape of Fuzi: a comprehensive study on the spatial distribution of toxicants and regional neurotoxicity variability in zebrafish

Authors: Xiaoqi Pan,Tianyu Liang,Han Feng,Weiying Liu,Qiaoxin Mou,Xiaoyu Yan
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
Publish date: 2025-2-5
ISSN: 1663-9812 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2024.1500527
View on Publisher's Website

This study offers great insights into how Fuzi’s neurotoxicity varies by region, but a couple of things could use more clarification. Since MALDI-MSI maps alkaloid distribution well, was any additional validation done using techniques like LC-MS/MS to confirm actual concentration levels? That could help make the comparisons more robust. Also, the study ties toxicity differences to alkaloid distribution, but could environmental factors like soil composition or climate also be influencing these variations? Looking into this might give a more complete picture of what’s driving regional differences in Fuzi toxicity.

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